driven thinking
New Version of Form I-9 is Required on May 1, 2020
REMINDER: Employers must use the new version of Form I-9 new version of Form I-9 (version dated 10/21/2019) starting Friday, May 1, 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, DHS has temporarily relaxed the “in-person” review requirements associated with the Form I-9 process for certain employers on a remote working schedule.
Form and Instruction Changes
- Revised the Country of Issuance field in Section 1 and the Issuing Authority field (when selecting a foreign passport) in Section 2 to add Eswatini and Macedonia, North (change is only visible on the online form)
- Clarified who can act as an authorized representative on behalf of an employer
- Updated USCIS website addresses
- Provided clarifications on acceptable documents for Form I-9
- Updated the process for requesting paper Forms I-9
- Updated the DHS Privacy Notice
In-Person Requirements Relaxed
DHS relaxed the “in-person” review requirements associated with the Form I-9 process for certain employers on a remote working schedule. All other Form I-9 process rules remain in effect, meaning that remote-working employers must still complete Form I-9 within three (3) business days following an employee’s first day of work. You may review the official announcement on the DHS website. Please visit our alert reviewing instructions for the remote completion of Forms I-9 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you have any questions, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email