Brian Brokate, Chair of the Intellectual Property Group, attended the conference for The Intercontinental Grouping of Accountants and Lawyers (IGAL) in Frankfurt, Germany from September 23-28. Brian spoke on Emerging Trends in Privacy Law in the United States during the conference. Topics included: the California Consumer Privacy Act; a survey of recent state laws; recent proposed federal legislation; and emerging trends on enforcement and consent.
Brian was also reelected to IGAL’s Board of Directors for another three year term. He will serve as Secretary and director of North American recruitment.
IGAL is a leading business network of legal and accounting firms whose members offer superior services related to legal, financial, tax and insolvency matters to companies and individuals with international activities, as well as expert and personal assistance to reduce the obstacles of doing business in a foreign environment and at a distance.
Brian Brokate has extensive experience assisting companies in investigation and enforcement procedures to combat trademark and copyright infringement. With a niche focus on anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy, he handles all stages of civil anti-counterfeiting and infringement litigation as well as state and federal criminal actions. Learn more.