David Johnson Presented U.S. Employment Visa Seminar

Partner David Johnson presented “U.S. Employment Visa Seminar: A Guide for Entrepreneurs” on October 11, 2018. The presentation was for Innovate46 in cooperation with the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, New York. Innovate46 is an event for Swedish emerging businesses which have the US as a potential key market.

David discussed key issues for entrepreneurs looking to establish or expand their business in the U.S. Topics included U.S. immigration basics, business travel using ESTA /Visa Waiver, common U.S. work visa categories and recent policy changes.

Brian Brokate Spoke on Anticounterfeiting at Practising Law Institute

Brian Brokate spoke at the Practising Law Institute (PLI) Intellectual Property Law Institute 2018 on October 1, 2018. His session was titled “Anticounterfeiting Update.” Topics included recent anticounterfeiting cases, legal developments and best practices for protection. Brian and associate Maja Szumarska also co-authored a chapter in PLI’s course handbook for the program.

Brian Brokate is head of Gibney’s Intellectual Property Practice Group. He has extensive experience in trademark and copyright enforcement procedures to combat infringement and counterfeiting.

For more information on the program, visit the PLI website.

Zarina Syed Speaks on H-1B Specialty Workers

Zarina Syed will speak at the 2018 AILA Annual Conference on Immigration Law “Building Bridges and Standing for Justice” in San Francisco from June 13 – 16. Her presentation is titled “Intro to H-1B Specialty Workers.” The panel will provide a basic overview of the complexities of the H-1B visa category and how the process works, and will identify best practices for avoiding common problems.

Topics include:

  • Does the Foreign National Have a “Specialty Occupation”?
  • Does the Foreign National Qualify? Education and Experience
  • Is the Employer Offering and (Willing to Pay) the Prevailing Wage?
  • Is There an H-1B Visa Number Available?
  • Mechanics of Filing: Labor Condition Application/Form I-129
  • Evidence, RFEs, and Recordkeeping

For more information or to register, visit: http://www.aila.org/conferences/in-person/annual.

David Johnson Speaks on Emerging Business Issues

David Johnson spoke at a joint presentation with Innovation Norway and Nordic Innovation House. David discussed key legal issues for Nordic companies to consider when establishing a presence in the United States. Topics included corporate entity formation and tax considerations and visa and immigration matters. David and Stephen are attorneys in Gibney’s Emerging Business Group, focusing on providing comprehensive legal services to foreign companies looking to expand in the U.S.

Starting a Business in the U.S.: Key Legal Issues to Consider

Emerging Business Partners Kristen Smith and David Johnson spoke with Innovation Norway and their spring cohort of Norwegian startups. Kristen and David discussed key legal issues for these foreign companies to consider when establishing a presence in the United States. This presentation was part of Innovation Norway’s twice yearly Entrepreneurial Marketing program. In Spring 2018, ten (10) Norwegian startup companies are visiting New York City for a two-week intensive series on how to grow their business through successful marketing, branding and sales approaches.

David Johnson to Present U.S. Employment Visa Seminar

David Johnson is presenting “U.S. Employment Seminar: A Guide for Young Professionals” to the Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce.

This seminar will address:

  • U.S. Immigration Basics: The H-1B Visa and Alternatives
  • Policy Changes & Practical Tips: Impact on Workers and Operations

David is a partner in Gibney’s Immigration and Emerging Business Groups.  He assists corporate and individual clients with all types of immigrant, nonimmigrant, and citizenship matters and provides advice on immigration-related onboarding compliance issues.


Managing Global Mobility Challenges

Gibney, Anthony & Flaherty LLP will host the program “Managing Global Mobility Challenges: Brexit and The Trump Administration” in conjunction with BritishAmerican Business and our associated firm, Magrath Sheldrick LLP on January 17, 2018.

This program will feature a panel discussion focusing on the critical issues of immigration and employment in the age of Brexit and the impact it will have on the transfer of employees between the UK and US. The program will highlight recent US immigration regulatory and policy changes, including the impact of Executive Orders, new US Citizenship and Immigration Services adjudication polices, and increased Department of Homeland Security enforcement. The program will explore the rising trend of nationalism and how it will affect global mobility programs and immigration laws for foreign employees. The panel will consist of immigration experts from Gibney, Anthony & Flaherty LLP and Magrath Sheldrick LLP, in-house global mobility professionals, as well as other discussion leaders sourced from the BAB membership.

IP Partner Angelo Mazza Spoke at IQPC 20th Anti-Counterfeiting & Brand Protection Summit

IP Partner Angelo Mazza spoke at the IQPC 20th Anti-Counterfeiting & Brand Protection Summit from January 29-31, 2018 in San Francisco. The event brought together brand leaders, customs officials, law enforcement and legal counsel to discuss best practices and strategies for fighting counterfeiters. Angelo serves on IQPC’s 2018 Advisory Board.

His first workshop was titled “Connecting the Dots with Law Enforcement: Developing Effective Brand Protection Training Programs to Bolster Anti-Counterfeiting Efforts.”  It focused on how brand owners can engage with law enforcement at all levels as part of developing a comprehensive brand protection program.

Angelo was also a part of a  “Fireside Chat: Implementing Controls to Protect Your Brand from Ongoing & Potential Future Risks.” This discussion focused on the potential for counterfeiting opportunities created by the advent of new products and technologies and new brand protection strategies to deal with them.

He also led “Fireside Chat: The Evolution of CBP in Dealing with the Seismic Shift in Ecommerce Platforms.” Angelo partnered with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection representative to discuss the future of border enforcement and what can brands do to improve the process.

Angelo works extensively with law enforcement on IP related crimes.  He counsels clients in developing and implementing enforcement strategies in a variety of settings. He has organized and conducted training sessions for CBP, ICE and the FBI in the United States and for law enforcement in almost all 50 states.

Brian Brokate and Angelo Mazza Spoke at PLI Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement 2018

Brian Brokate served as co-chair of the Practising Law Institute’s Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement 2018 on January 25, 2018. The program provided developments on recent copyright and trademark cases and anticounterfeiting trends.

Brian spoke on the panel “Anticounterfeiting Update.” Topics included recent updates on direct liability case law, seizures and ex parte remedies, US legislative updates and recent Customs and Border Patrol regulations. Partner Angelo Mazza spoke on the panel “Current Government IP Enforcement Programs.” Topics included federal and criminal IP enforcement, the CHIP program and data security and consumer privacy.

This program can now be viewed on demand on the PLI site.

Brian Brokate Spoke on Trade Dress Protection at PLI’s Intellectual Property Law Institute 2017

Partner Brian Brokate spoke at PLI’s Intellectual Property Law Institute 2017 on October 2, 2017. Topics included understanding trade dress enforcement, recent trade dress cases and legal developments and best practices for protection.  Brian and associate Maja Szumarska co-authored a chapter in PLI’s course handbook for the program.

Brian Brokate is head of Gibney’s Intellectual Property Group. He is experienced in trademark and copyright enforcement procedures to combat infringement and counterfeiting. Maja Szumarska concentrates on intellectual property protection and enforcement actions in federal court.

For more information or to register for the event, visit the PLI website.