Brian Brokate Featured on IP Fridays

Brian Brokate was featured on IP Fridays, a weekly podcast covering IP topics including trademark, patent and design. Brian, the head of Gibney’s Intellectual Property Group, described his experience battling counterfeiters across the globe. He discussed how counterfeiting has changed over time and how brand owners can best protect their brands, even on a limited budget. Increasingly, brick-and-mortar counterfeiting operations are moving out of storefronts into online forums. Brian discussed the remedies at the disposal of brand owners and new regulations necessary to stop counterfeiters in their tracks

Immigration, Tax and Estate Planning Options for US Permanent Residence Status

Gibney presented the seminar “Thinking of Getting a Green Card? Immigration, Tax and Estate Planning Options for those Seeking Permanent Residence Status in the U.S.”

The process for obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status in the U.S. is complex and arduous. While a Green Card confers many privileges, it also imposes many obligations. In this seminar, the panel explored various immigration, tax and estate planning considerations for green card seekers, including:

  • Paths to Permanent Residence: advantages and limitations of various green card categories
  • Income Tax Consequences for Green Card Holders
  • Expatriation Considerations for Permanent Residents
  • Estate Planning: (making pre-green card gifts; non-citizen spouse; worldwide assets; minor children)

Speakers include tax partners Gerald Dunworth and Meredith Mazzola.

Immigration Practice Featured at Totally Expat Show 2014 in New York City

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014, Gibney Immigration Partners Stephen J.O. Maltby and Ellen Poreda and Gibney Senior Counsel, Deborah Davy, will be attending the 2014 Totally Expat Show, held by the Forum for Expatriate Management (FEM), at the Metropolitan Pavilion. Ms. Davy will be speaking, along with other field experts, as part of an immigration panel entitled, “What you need to know about the latest compliance changes.” The panel discussion will focus on current trends and the latest changes in immigration compliance around the world.

Mr. Maltby, Ms. Poreda and Ms. Davy will also be present in the show’s exhibit hall at Gibney’s booth to answer questions about global mobility legal services, including Expat Protection Planning.  If you are attending the conference, please stop by to say hello at booth number D12.


Minal Shah and Deborah Davy Present Adapting to Global Changes: Immigration, Tax and Relocation

Immigration Group attorneys Minal Shah and Deborah Davy will be presenting at the 2014 BAMM Annual Global Mobility conference.  BAMM is a relocation council in Northern California that provides networking and educational opportunities to all related industry professionals.  Ms. Shah will be moderating the panel entitled “Adapting to Global Changes:  Immigration, Tax and Relocation,” and expert panelists including Ms. Davy will discuss global mobility trends and provide practical advice on managing the mobility process.  This event will take place at the Crowne Plaza in Foster City, CA on February 27, 2014.

Gibney Attorneys Present at CIS Wealth Conference in Russia

On February 18, 2014, Immigration Attorney Rosanna M. Fox and Tax and Estate Planning Partner Meredith M. Mazzola will speak at the CIS Wealth St. Petersburg in Russia, a pan-regional conference for the leading professionals representing HNWI and UHNWI from Europe, the Americas, Middle East and CIS countries.  Ms. Fox and Ms. Mazzola will focus their presentation on investment-related business and immigration strategies in the U.S.

Gibney Presents Immigration Briefing at Private Asset Management Magazine Breakfast Series

On February 6, 2014, Gibney led a panel discussion at a briefing as part of PAM Magazine’s monthly breakfast series. There panel was titled  “What advisors to HNW foreign investors should know about investment-related immigration and tax issues in the U.S.” Gibney Partner and Head of the Business Immigration Practice group, Stephen J.O. Maltby, head of the Immigration Group, served as moderator. Panelists included Gibney attorneys Shai E. Dayan and Meredith M. Mazzola.

Brian W. Brokate and Angelo Mazza Spoke at PLI’s Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement 2014

Gibney’s Intellectual Property Group Chair Brian Brokate, served as Co-Chair for the Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement 2014 run by the Practicing Law Institute (PLI).

The conference consisted of panel discussions composed of in-house counsel, attorneys from private practices and government agents that have expertise in the latest developments of Intellectual Property Law. The panel discussions will be held in New York.

Gibney Partner, Angelo Mazza also spoke at the conference. His panel discussion focused on current government enforcement programs.

Angelo Mazza Presents Protecting Your IP Portfolio – Tactical Strategies

On Thursday, December 12, 2013, IP Partner Angelo Mazza will moderate a panel at the 2013 IPR Center Symposium. The panel, “Protecting Your IP Portfolio – Tactical Strategies” is scheduled for 1:00 pm and will examine strategies to protect intellectual property rights. The panel features in-house Anti-Counterfeiting professionals from The Timken Company, Levi Strauss & Co, and OtterBox.

The 2013 symposium focuses on a “Global Strategy to IP Integrity”. It will address current IP threats and the strategies to protect intellectual property rights and trade secrets.

Brian Brokate Co-Chairs International Trademark Association Mid-Year Meeting

Intellectual Property Group Chair Brian Brokate, will serve as co-chair of the International Trademark Association’s (INTA) Mid-Year Meeting from November 12, 2013 to November 16, 2013. The meeting brings together brand owners, law enforcement officials and attorneys to discuss the latest updates and trends in intellectual property rights protection and enforcement.

Partners Angelo Mazza and John Macaluso will also be in attendance. Angelo is a member of the Anti-Counterfeiting Committee(ACC) and the ACC North America Task Force and John serves on the Internet Committee. Brian serves on the Pro Bono committee.

For more information on INTA please visit

Aneglo Mazza Spoke on Internet Enforcement at US Consulate in Florence Conference

Partner Angelo Mazza spoke at a conference called Hold it Real on Friday, October 25, 2013. He delivered the keynote address in Italian and highlighted developments in Intellectual Property Protection. The conference was sponsored by the U.S. Consulate in Florence, the Region of Tuscany and the Amerigo Association. The conference, with an audience of approximately 70, included business leaders, law enforcement officials, political thought leaders and the news media.