USCIS Increases Premium Processing Fees

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will increase premium processing fees for a number of immigration benefit applications due to inflation. The fee increases, outlined below, will take effect on February 26, 2024. USCIS will reject and return Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing, postmarked on or after February 26, 2024 if submitted with the incorrect filing fee.

Form Old Fee New Fee
Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker $1,500 (H-2B and R-1)

$2,500 (all other classifications)

$1,685 (H-2B and R-1)

$2,805 (all other classifications)

Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker $2,500 $2,805
Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status $1,750 $1,965
Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization $1,500 $1,685

USCIS intends to use the increased revenue to improve adjudication processes, respond to adjudication demands, reduce processing backlogs, and generally fund USCIS operations.

Who does this affect?

This increase in fees will affect all employers and applicants requesting premium processing services for the petitions and applications referenced above.

How long will this increase be in effect?
The fee increase is expected to be permanent.

Gibney will be closely monitoring further changes to USCIS filing fees and will provide updates as they are announced.

If you have any questions about this alert, please contact your Gibney representative or email