UPDATE –  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security further extended measures to restrict non-essential travel to the U.S. from Canada and Mexico through land ports of entry and ferry terminals. The travel restrictions will remain in place through December 21, 2020 and may extended further. The United States previously reached mutual agreements with Canada and Mexico to limit non-essential travel at land ports of entry and ferry terminals to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The restrictions do not apply to air travel.  Information concerning the scope of the travel restrictions and exemptions is available here.

For additional information, please contact your Gibney representative or email

DHS Extends Form I-9 Compliance Flexibility

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has extended two policies providing employers and employees with flexibility in meeting certain Form I-9 Employment Verification requirements.


DHS previously announced temporary relaxation of Form I-9 verification requirements pertaining to individuals utilizing an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) for employment, allowing  employees to use a Form I-797, Notice of Action, in lieu of the EAD, as a Form I-9, List C document establishing employment eligibility.  DHS has extended the relaxed Form I-9/EAD verification requirements through  February 1, 2021. To utilize the Form I-797 in lieu of the EAD, the Notice must indicate approval of an Application for Employment Authorization, and must have a Notice date from December  1, 2019 and through and including August 20, 2020.  Additional information is available at Gibney’s insights.


In March 2020, DHS implemented a policy relaxing the requirement to review Form I-9 identity and employment verification documents for remote workers “in-person” during the pandemic. DHS has extended Form I-9 compliance flexibility for qualifying  employers until December 31, 2020.

Who does the Policy Affect?

Form I-9 in-person inspection rules are relaxed for any U.S. employer who has converted to a total remote working schedule for all employees due to COVID-19. The policy  states that “if there are employees physically present at a work location, no exceptions are being implemented at this time for in-person verification of identity and employment eligibility documentation for Form I-9.“ However, according to the policy, DHS will consider exceptions if newly-hired employees are subject to COVID-19 quarantine or lockdown protocols.

How Should Qualifying Employers Proceed?

Remote employees must complete Section 1 of Form I-9 and choose identity and work-authorization documents from List A/B/C. Within three (3) business days of hire, remote employers must inspect the employee’s documents over video link, email, fax, etc., and complete Section 2 of Form I-9. Employers must retain copies of any documents inspected remotely. Employers should enter “COVID-19” as the reason for the physical inspection delay in the Section 2 Additional Information field.

After normal operations resume and employees return to the office, employers will have three (3) business days to physically examine the same documents previously reviewed electronically/remotely. Once the documents have been physically inspected, the employer should add “documents physically examined” with the date of inspection to the Section 2 Additional Information field on the Form I-9, or to Section 3, as appropriate.

Qualifying employers who avail themselves of this option must be prepared to provide DHS with written documentation of their remote onboarding and telework policy.

DHS reminds employers that, as a general matter for remote workers (even before the pandemic), a company may designate anyone to serve as an “authorized representative” of the company for completion of Section 2, including the in-person inspection of documents. Rather than relying on the temporary pandemic policy for a remote workforce, an employer may consider utilizing an authorized representative to inspect the employee’s documents in-person with three (3) days of hire, in accordance with pre-existing rules permitting the use of authorized representatives to perform this function. The employer is liable for any violations in connection with the form or the verification process, including any violations in connection with the form or the verification process.

The relaxed rules for qualifying employers with a total remote workforce will remain in place until December 31, 2020, and could be extended further.

Gibney is  closely monitoring changes to employment eligibility verification policy and procedures and will provide updates as they become available. If you have questions regarding this alert or the Form I-9 process generally, please contact your Gibney representative or email

December 2020 Visa Bulletin Published – USCIS Again Honors Dates of Filing

The Department of State released the December 2020 Visa Bulletin and USCIS confirmed that it will follow the dates for filing chart.  Cut-off dates for filing in the employment-based first preference category advanced for Chinese and Indian nationals, but retrogressed in the third-preference categories for Indian nationals.


EB-1, First Preference Category

  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) remains current in December.
  • India and China:   The cut-off date for filing is November 1, 2020.

EB-2 Second Preference Category

  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) remains current in December.
  • China: The cut-off date for filing held steady at October 1, 2016.
  • India:  The cut-off date for filing held steady at May 15, 2011.

EB-3, Third Preference Category

  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) and EB-3 Worldwide Other Workers (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) (including EB-3 Other Workers) remains  current in November.
  • EB-3 China’s cut-off date for filing held steady at June 1, 2018 and the cut-off date for EB-3 China Other Workers’ remains May 1, 2009.
  • EB-3 India’s (and EB-3 India Other Workers) cut-off date for filing retrogressed from January 1, 2015 to a new cut-off date of January 1, 2014.

Individuals with a priority date that is either “current” or before the published cut-off date may file an adjustment of status application based on the dates outlined above.

Employment-Based Final Action Dates

While an individual may file an adjustment of status  application using the dates for filing summarized above, an individual’s green card application may not be approved until the priority date is available under the final action dates, also posted on the Visa Bulletin.   The final action dates may differ significantly from the dates for filing, depending on the preference category and country of birth.  The December 2020 Visa Bulletin showed modest advancements in almost all of the employment-based categories final action dates.


Employers should work with immigration counsel to identify foreign nationals who are eligible to file adjustment of status applications in December. Additionally, it will be particularly important to file adjustment of status applications in November for Indian nationals qualifying in the third-preference category with 2014 priority dates, as those with 2014 priority dates will lose their eligibility to file in December with the retrogression of priority dates from January 1, 2015 to January 1, 2014.

For additional information, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email

USCIS Introduces Revised Naturalization Civics Test

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is introducing a revised version of the naturalization civics test. The oral civics test is administered to all applicants for U.S. citizenship. The 2020 test increases the number of questions that applicants will be asked. Applicants who apply for naturalization on or after Dec. 1, 2020 will be required to take the 2020 test. Applicants with a filing date before Dec. 1, 2020 will take the 2008 version of the test currently utilized.

What Applicants Can Expect

  • The number of civic test questions that will be covered has increased from 100 to 128 possible questions
  • USCIS will not change the 60% passing score but will require that applicants answer 12 questions out of 20 possible questions correctly, instead of the previously required 6 out of 10 questions
  • Interviewing officers will now ask all 20 questions instead of stopping once the applicant reaches the required minimum of correct responses

65/20 Special Consideration & Exemptions

Applicants who are 65 years old or older and have held lawful permanent resident status for at least  20 years will need to study 20 questions. They will be asked 10 questions and must answer a minimum of 6 questions correctly to pass. Learn more about special considerations and other exceptions here.

Test Resources
Test items and study guides can be found on the Citizenship Resource Center on the USCIS website.

For more information on naturalization eligibility and requirements please contact your designated Gibney representative.


November Visa Bulletin:  Employment-Based Categories Remain Current for Dates of Filing

The November Visa Bulletin has been published by the Department of State.  The Bulletin dates for filing remain the same for most employment-based and other categories, with some advancement for final action dates.  Significantly, USCIS confirmed that it will follow the Visa Bulletin’s dates for filing in the employment-based categories. This means that employment-sponsored foreign nationals who were eligible to file in October, many of whom have been waiting years, will continue to be eligible to file their I-485, adjustment of status (“green card”) applications in November.

Employment-Based Priority Date Summary

The priority date advancement in October, which remains steady in November, most significantly impacts Indian and Chinese nationals subject to long backlogs.  Individuals in a category that is “current” as well as individuals who have a priority date before the cut-off date listed under dates for filing on the Visa Bulletin may file an adjustment of status/green card application this month.


  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) is current in November.
  • India and China:   The cut-off date for filing is September 1, 2020.


  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) remains current in November.
  • China: The cut-off date for filing is October 1, 2016.
  • India:  The cut-off date for filing is May 15, 2011.


  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) and EB-3 Worldwide Other Workers (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) (including EB-3 Other Workers) is current in November.
  • EB-3 China’s cut-off date for filing is June 1, 2018.   There is forward movement for EB-3 China Other Workers’ and the cut-off date for filing is now May 1, 2009.
  • EB-3 India’s (and EB-3 India Other Workers’) cut-off date for filing is January 1, 2015.

While individuals with a priority date that is current or before the published cut-off date may file an adjustment of status application based on the dates outlined above, an individual’s green card application may not be approved until the priority date is available under the final action dates posted on the Visa Bulletin.  These dates may differ significantly depending on the preference category and country of birth.


In October, there was rapid advancement in the employment-based priority dates reflecting the impact of travel bans and consular closures in fiscal year (FY) 2020.  In particular, Presidential Proclamation 10014 (PP 10014), banning admission of certain immigrants, meant that many family-based immigrants were unable to obtain their immigrant visas in FY 2020. By statute, the unused family-based numbers from FY 2020 have been added to the FY 2021 employment-based visa allocation.  In the first month of FY 2021, a record number of immigrant visas are available in most of the employment-based categories.


Employers should work with immigration counsel to identify foreign nationals who are eligible to file adjustment of status applications this month, and those who were current in October will have additional time to file their cases.  Quick action to initiate cases is critical, as these applications require significant documentation, including documentation required under the recently reinstated Public Charge provisions.  The late publication of the new visa bulletin and the Thanksgiving holidays shorten the timeline to file.

Although the Department of State projected that some advancement in employment-based priority dates will continue through January 2021, filing dates remained steady in November and the large number of cases expected to be filed in October and November will likely impact the final action dates.

For additional information, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email

USCIS Increases Premium Processing Fee

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services  announced that it will increase the premium processing fee for all filings currently eligible for premium processing service effective October 19, 2020.

  • The I-907, Request for Premium Processing fee for all eligible I-140 permanent resident petitions, and most covered I-129 petitions (including petitions requesting  H-1B, L, O, or TN status) will increase from  $1,440 to $2,500.
  • The I-907 premium processing fee for I-129 petitions requesting  H-2B or R-1 status will increase from $1,440 to $1,500.

All Form I-907 requests postmarked on or after Monday, October 19, 2020 must include the new fee or the request for premium processing service will be rejected.


As previously reported, the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act signed into law on October 1 authorized USCIS to increase premium processing fees and also to expand premium processing service to other petitions and applications. Although USCIS has now increased the fee, it has not yet expanded the premium service option to other benefits.

Please contact your Gibney representative for additional information or email



Trump Administration Advances Rules Restricting Visas for High-Skilled Foreign Workers

The Trump Administration has announced that it will publish two Interim Final Rules on Thursday, October 8, 2020  that will substantially alter the H-1B visa program for temporary professionals working in a  specialty occupation and significantly increase wage obligations for employers that file H-1B, H-1B1, and E-3 petitions, and PERM labor certification applications. The rules will have an immediate, direct and adverse impact on businesses seeking to employ these workers.

  • The  U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) rule imposes a higher wage requirement on businesses that employ H-1B, H-1B1 and E-3 workers, and businesses that sponsor PERM labor certifications for foreign workers.  The DOL rule is effective October 8, 2020.
  • The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) rule drastically restricts who will qualify for an H-1B visa by narrowly redefining what qualifies as a specialty occupation. Additionally, the rule imposes restrictions on petitioners who place H-1B workers at third-party worksites. The restrictions will also impact the end-clients that contract for services provided by these workers.  The DHS rule will take effect 60 days from the date of publication.

DOL Rule

Employers who sponsor H-1B, H-1B1 and E-3 nonimmigrant (temporary worker) petitions must first obtain a Labor Condition Application (LCA) from DOL prior to submitting a petition to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). In connection with the LCA, the employer must make certain attestations about the wages and working conditions for foreign workers. The employer must pay foreign workers at least the prevailing wage for the occupation in the area of intended employment, commensurate with the level of experience required for the position.  Similarly, prior to filing a PERM labor certification application for permanent residence sponsorship on behalf of a foreign worker, the sponsoring employer must obtain a Prevailing Wage Determination (PWD) from DOL, and the employer must offer a wage that is at least the DOL-determined prevailing wage level for the occupation in the area of intended employment.

The DOL rule revises the calculus used to determine prevailing wage levels, significantly increasing the wage requirement for LCAs and PWDs.

The revised prevailing wage requirement will apply to:

  • applications for PWDs  pending with the National Prevailing Wage Center (NPWC) as of October 8, 2020;
  • applications for PWDs filed with the NPWC on or after October 8, 2020; and,
  • LCAs filed with DOL on or after October 8, 2020 where the DOL’s wage survey data is the prevailing wage source, and where the employer did not obtain the PWD from the NPWC prior to the effective date of the regulation.

DOL will not apply the new regulations to any previously-approved prevailing wage determinations, permanent labor certification applications, or LCAs.

DHS Rule

The DHS rule does the following:

  • Narrows the definition of and standards for a specialty occupation to limit who will qualify for the visa.
  • Imposes restrictions aimed at employers that place H-1B workers at end-client sites (third-party placement petitions), including revising how an “employer” and “worksite” are defined, and detailing how USCIS will determine whether there is an employer-employee relationship between the petitioning company and the employed foreign national.
  • Limits validity of third-party placement petitions to 1 year (instead of the prior maximum of 3 years).
  • Codifies USCIS H-1B site visit authority, including the authority to visit end-client sites and interview employees, and the authority to revoke petitions for perceived failure to cooperate.

The rule will apply to petitions filed on or after the effective date of the regulation (60 days from publication).  The rule will not apply to previously approved petitions. However when an extension or amended petition is filed for a foreign worker after the rule takes effect, the rule will  apply to the extension/amendment filing. It is projected that the new rule will eliminate eligibility for one-third of sponsored petitions. If implemented, this will cause significant workforce disruptions and business continuity issues for impacted employers.

Looking Ahead

Legal challenges are expected. The Administration has advanced both rules on a fast track, proceeding with implementation prior to consideration of public comments. The emergency rationale offered for doing so is dubious.  Collectively, the rules aim to effectuate the Administration’s 2017 Buy American Hire American Executive Order, bypassing Congress to rewrite the law.  The DHS rule may be particularly vulnerable, in that within the past few weeks, different federal courts have found that the DHS acting secretary was likely appointed illegally and thus lacks the authority to impose new rules.  Similar challenges are expected here.

For additional information, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email


COVID-19: Updated Travel Guidance for India

The India Ministry of Home Affairs has stated that all scheduled international commercial passenger services will remain closed until October 31, 2020. International scheduled flights may be permitted for select routes and authorized on a case-by-case basis.

All Indian visa services, excluding visa extensions, in-country registration and other in-country services will remain suspended until further notice. Foreigners Regional Registration Offices (FRROs) and Foreigners Registration Offices (FROs) are temporarily permitted to extend consular visas, electronic visas (e-visas) or stipulations of stay endorsed on the visas on a temporary basis for foreign nationals currently unable to leave the country due to travel restrictions. Visas that will expire through October 31, 2020 will be extended for a period of 30 days until November 30, 2020.

Foreign nationals who are unable to depart India due to the travel restrictions and whose visas will expire may submit an online application on the e-FRRO portal. Foreign nationals whose visas have expired and who have made an application to exit the country, will be granted an Exit Permit without being subject to any penalties for an overstay.

All travelers to India should check India’s Bureau of Immigration Page for updates on admissibility, post-arrival quarantine and other procedures, before traveling to India.

Gibney will continue to monitor matters in India and will provide updates as they become available. For additional information, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email

Canada to Expedite Permanent Residence and Spousal Applications

The Minister of Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) recently announced new steps to expedite the processing of Permanent Residence applications and spousal applications in Canada. Applications have been delayed significantly due to the coronavirus.

IRCC plans to adjudicate 6,000 spousal applications each month between October and December 2020 to facilitate the reunification of families in Canada. IRCC is planning to increase the number of case workers assigned to these cases, adding facilities for biometrics collection and researching technologies to conduct remote interviews for sponsorship applications, when required.

IRCC also announced a temporary policy for Permanent Residence applicants who are required to provide biometrics as part of their application. Many biometrics collections centers have been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in  significant delays in application processing. IRCC’s new policy exempts Permanent Residence applicants from having to take biometrics if the applicant has a new or pending application for Permanent Residence made from within or outside Canada and the applicant has previously submitted their biometrics in support of an immigration application within the last 10 years.

Gibney will continue to monitor matters in Canada and will provide updates as they become available. For additional information, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email

Appropriations Act Allows USCIS to Expand Premium Processing Service

On September 30, 2020 the President signed the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act, to fund the U.S. government through December 11, 2020. The Act also addresses USCIS revenue shortfalls and the need to meet operational expenses. It includes measures to expand the scope of premium processing service and increase premium processing fees.  These measures will not take effect until USCIS takes affirmative steps to implement the changes.

What to Expect

Categories Covered
The Act specifically authorizes USCIS to make  premium processing service available for the following petitions/applications:

  • Employment-based nonimmigrant petitions and associated applications for dependents;
  • Form I-140 petitions for immigrant visa classification;
  • Form I-539 applications to change/extend nonimmigrant status;
  • Form I-765 applications for employment authorization documents; and,
  • Any other immigration benefit type deemed appropriate by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Increased Fees
The premium processing fee for benefits already eligible for premium processing service will increase from $1,440 to $2,500.  This includes

  • Form I-129 nonimmigrant petitions filed for TN, H-1B and L-1 classification;
  • Form I-140 immigrant visa petitions filed for persons of extraordinary ability and outstanding professors and researchers (EB-1), advanced-degree professionals (EB-2), professional and skilled workers (EB-3).

New Categories and Fees
USICS will be required to follow the rulemaking process and publish regulations to set fees for the expanded premium processing services, but it must be consistent with the following:

  • Form I-140 immigrant petitions filed for Multinational Managers and Executives (EB-1) and National Interest Wavier (NIW) EB-2. For these petitions, the fee may not exceed $2,500 and processing time may not exceed 45 days.
  • Change of status requests for F, J and M status. The fee may not exceed $1,750 and processing times may not exceed 30 days.
  • Change of status requests for dependents seeking E, H, L, O, P and R status.  The fee may not exceed $1,750 and processing times may not exceed 30 days.
  • Form I-765 for an employment authorization document. The fee may not exceed $1,750 and processing times may not exceed 30 days.

The premium processing time clock will not begin until DHS receives all prerequisites for adjudication of the benefit sought.

Also of Note

The Act requires USCIS to present Congress with a five year plan within 180 days on the following:

  • Electronic filing procedures for all applications and petitions;
  • Acceptance of electronic filing at all locations; and,
  • Issuance of all correspondence and notices electronically.

USCIS must also ensure that providing expanded premium processing services does not result in an increase in processing times for other benefit applications.

Gibney will continue monitor the expected changes to premium processing services and fees, and will provide updates as they become available. For additional information, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email