U.S. Rings in New Year with COVID Testing Requirement for Travelers from China

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)  announced it will  reinstate COVID testing requirements for all travelers from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) effective January 5, 2023 at 12:01 AM ET. Impacted travelers must present a negative COVID -19 test result to the airlines to board flights to the U.S.. as of the effective date.

Who is Impacted?

  • Air travelers  2 years of age and older traveling to the U.S. with flights originating in the PRC and the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau
  • Travelers with flights to the U.S.  originating  from  Seoul’s Incheon International Airport, Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, and Vancouver International Airport who have been in the PRC, Hong Kong or Macau in the 10 day period prior to traveling  to the U.S.
  • Individuals who are traveling to the U.S.  from the PRC via third country transit and passengers connecting through the U.S. onward to further destinations
  • The testing requirement applies regardless of nationality,  citizenship status, or vaccination status.

What is Required?

  • Travelers must present a negative COVID -19 test result such as a PCR test or an antigen self-test to the airlines to board flights to the U.S.
  • The test must be taken no more than two days before the flight departs for the U.S.
  • Travelers who had COVID-19 in the 90 days before their travel to the U.S. can instead show documentation of recovery from COVID-19.
  • Airlines must either confirm the negative COVID-19 test result or documentation of recovery for all passengers before the passenger boards or deny boarding to the passenger.
  • For a list of authorized tests, check here.


The reinstatement of the testing requirement for travelers from China comes as something of a surprise. Earlier this year, the  U.S. generally replaced testing requirements with vaccination requirements for international travelers. In reinstating the testing requirement for travelers from China, the CDC indicates it is taking this step to slow the spread of COVID-19 stemming from a  surge in COVID cases in the PRC along with concerns over the lack of adequate epidemiological data being reported from the PRC, and the potential emergence of novel variants. The CDC will continue to monitor the situation and adjust its approach as necessary.

For additional information, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email info@gibney.com.


Form I-9 Flexibilities to Continue Through July 31, 2023: A Review for Employers

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has extended a policy providing employers with flexibility in meeting certain Form I-9 Employment Verification requirements through July 31, 2023.  The policy relaxes the requirement to review Form I-9 identity and employment verification documents for remote workers “in-person”.

Who Does the Policy Affect?

Form I-9 in-person inspection rules continue to be relaxed for any U.S. employer who converted to a total remote working schedule for all employees due to COVID-19. If there are employees physically present at a work location, there are no exceptions to the in-person verification of identity and employment eligibility documentation for Form I-9.

How Should Qualifying Employers Proceed?

Remote employees must complete Section 1 of Form I-9 and choose identity and work-authorization documents from List A/B/C. Within three (3) business days of hire, remote employers must inspect the employee’s documents over video link, email, fax, etc., and complete Section 2 of Form I-9. Employers must retain copies of any documents inspected remotely. Employers should enter “COVID-19” as the reason for the physical inspection delay in the Section 2 Additional Information field.

After normal operations resume and employees return to the office, employers will have three (3) business days to physically examine the same documents previously reviewed electronically/remotely. Once the documents have been physically inspected, the employer should add “documents physically examined” with the date of inspection to the Section 2 Additional Information field on the Form I-9, or to Section 3, as appropriate.

Qualifying employers who avail themselves of this option must be prepared to provide DHS with written documentation of their remote onboarding and telework policy.

As a general matter for remote workers, a company may designate anyone to serve as an “authorized representative” of the company for completion of Section 2, including the in-person inspection of documents. Rather than relying on the temporary pandemic policy for a remote workforce, an employer may consider utilizing an authorized representative to inspect the employee’s documents in-person within three (3) days of hire, in accordance with pre-existing rules permitting the use of authorized representatives to perform this function. The employer is liable for any violations in connection with the form or the verification process, including any violations in connection with the form or the verification process.

The relaxed rules for qualifying employers with a total remote workforce will remain in place until July 31, 2023.

Gibney is closely monitoring changes to employment eligibility verification policy and procedures and will provide updates as they become available. If you have questions regarding this alert or the Form I-9 process generally, please contact your Gibney representative or email info@gibney.com.

January 2023 Visa Bulletin Brings Retrogression in the New Year

The Department of State released the January 2023 Visa Bulletin.

  • As predicted, the EB-1 category for China and India has retrogressed.
  • The Final Action dates and Dates for Filing for Worldwide, Indian and Chinese nationals in the EB-2 and EB-3 categories held steady.
  • USCIS confirmed that it will follow the Dates for Filingchart published on the January 2023 Visa Bulletin for purposes of eligibility to file adjustment of status applications.


The January 2023 Dates for Filing for the employment-based preference categories are as follows:

EB-1, First Preference Category

  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) remains current for all countries except for China and India.
  • China: The cut-off Date for Filing is June 1, 2022.
  • India: The cut-off Date for Filing is June 1, 2022.

EB-2, Second Preference Category

  • The Worldwide cut-off Date for Filing of December 1, 2022 held steady.
  • China: The cut-off Date for Filingremains July 8, 2019.
  • India:  The cut-off Date for Filingremains May 1, 2012.

EB-3, Third Preference Category (Skilled Workers)

  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) remains current in January.
  • China’s cut-off Date for Filing held steady at September 1, 2018.
  • India’s cut-off Date for Filing held steady at August 1, 2012.

Individuals with a priority date that is either “current” or before the published cut-off date may file an adjustment of status application based on the dates outlined above.


While an individual may file an adjustment of status application in January using the dates for filing summarized above, an individual’s green card application may not be approved until the priority date is available under the Final Action Dates, also posted on the January 2023 Visa Bulletin. The final action dates may differ significantly from the dates for filing, depending on the preference category and country of birth. The January 2023 Final Action Dates are as follows:

EB-1, First Preference Category

  • Worldwide (all countries except China and India): Current
  • China: February 1, 2022
  • India: February 1, 2022

EB-2, Second Preference Category

  • Worldwide (all countries except China and India): steady at November 1, 2022
  • China: steady at June 8, 2019
  • India:  steady at October 8, 2011

EB-3 Third Preference Category (Skilled Workers)

  • Worldwide (all countries except China and India): Current
  • China: steady at August 1, 2018
  • India: stead at June 15, 2012


As forecasted in our Fiscal Year 2023 visa availability analysis, we are now seeing the retrogression for Indian and Chinese nationals in the EB-1 category. To date, there has not been further retrogression for Chinese and Indian nationals in the EB-2 and EB-3 categories, as the Dates for Filing and Final Action Dates remain the same.  However, the Department of State will continue to monitor the demand for visas in these categories, and make adjustments accordingly in the  months ahead.

For additional information about the Visa Bulletin or immigration matter generally, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email info@gibney.com.

The author wishes to thank Law Clerk Jesse Wang for his contributions to this alert.

Form I-9 Flexibilities to Continue Through July 31, 2023: A Review for Employers

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has extended a policy providing employers with flexibility in meeting certain Form I-9 Employment Verification requirements through July 31, 2023.  The policy relaxes the requirement to review Form I-9 identity and employment verification documents for remote workers “in-person”.

Who Does the Policy Affect?

Form I-9 in-person inspection rules continue to be relaxed for any U.S. employer who converted to a total remote working schedule for all employees due to COVID-19. If there are employees physically present at a work location, there are no exceptions to the in-person verification of identity and employment eligibility documentation for Form I-9.

How Should Qualifying Employers Proceed?

Remote employees must complete Section 1 of Form I-9 and choose identity and work-authorization documents from List A/B/C. Within three (3) business days of hire, remote employers must inspect the employee’s documents over video link, email, fax, etc., and complete Section 2 of Form I-9. Employers must retain copies of any documents inspected remotely. Employers should enter “COVID-19” as the reason for the physical inspection delay in the Section 2 Additional Information field.

After normal operations resume and employees return to the office, employers will have three (3) business days to physically examine the same documents previously reviewed electronically/remotely. Once the documents have been physically inspected, the employer should add “documents physically examined” with the date of inspection to the Section 2 Additional Information field on the Form I-9, or to Section 3, as appropriate.

Qualifying employers who avail themselves of this option must be prepared to provide DHS with written documentation of their remote onboarding and telework policy.

As a general matter for remote workers, a company may designate anyone to serve as an “authorized representative” of the company for completion of Section 2, including the in-person inspection of documents. Rather than relying on the temporary pandemic policy for a remote workforce, an employer may consider utilizing an authorized representative to inspect the employee’s documents in-person within three (3) days of hire, in accordance with pre-existing rules permitting the use of authorized representatives to perform this function. The employer is liable for any violations in connection with the form or the verification process, including any violations in connection with the form or the verification process.

The relaxed rules for qualifying employers with a total remote workforce will remain in place until July 31, 2023.

Gibney is closely monitoring changes to employment eligibility verification policy and procedures and will provide updates as they become available. If you have questions regarding this alert or the Form I-9 process generally, please contact your Gibney representative or email info@gibney.com.

Interview Waivers for Certain Visa Applicants Extended Through December 31, 2023

The Department of State has extending the authority of consular officers to waive in-person interviews for certain nonimmigrant visa categories through December 31, 2023. In its announcement the  State Department highlighted its commitment to further reducing visa wait times in order to facilitate travel o the U.S.

Who is Eligible for the Visa Interview Waiver?

Consular officers are authorized to continue to waive in-person interviews on a case-by-case basis for certain first-time applicants and/or renewing applicants in the following visa categories:

  • Temporary Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Workers (H-2 visas)
  • Students (F and M visas)
  • Academic Exchange Visitors (academic J visas)
  • Certain beneficiaries of approved petitions for nonimmigrant temporary worker status including  H-1B, H-3, L-1, O, P and Q visas, and qualifying dependent beneficiaries.

Authorization to waive in-person interviews for applicants renewing a visa in the same classification within 48 months of the prior visa’s expiration will also remain in place until further notice.

Applicants must have been previously issued any type of visa, must never have been refused a visa unless such refusal was overcome or waived, and must have no apparent or potential ineligibility for the visa.

What Employers and Foreign Nationals Can Expect

  • Interview waiver policies help to reduce backlogs and visa appointment wait times  by freeing up consular staff to conduct in-person interview appointments for applicants who require an interview. The State Department noted that nearly half of nonimmigrant visas  issued in Fiscal Year 2022 were adjudicated without an in-person interview.
  • Embassies and consulates may still require an in-person interview on a case-by-case basis, and dependent upon local conditions.

Applicants are encouraged to check embassy and consulate websites frequently for developments and visa application protocols, as well as current operating status and services, by visiting the Bureau of Consular affairs travel site.

December 2022 Visa Bulletin and Immigrant Visa Availability Developments

The Department of State released the December 2022 Visa Bulletin.  There are a few notable developments for employment-based applicants:

  • Final action priority dates remain current for all countries in the EB-1 category in December, but the Department of State predicts that EB-1 for China and India will retrogress in the coming months.
  • Final action priority dates retrogressed for India in the EB-2 category and a final action cut-off date of November 1, 2022 was established for all countries other than India and China.


USCIS confirmed that it will follow the dates for filing chart for purposes of eligibility to file an adjustment of status application.  The dates for filing are as follows:

EB-1, First Preference Category

  • EB-1 remains current for all countries for now.

EB-2, Second Preference Category

  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) has a date for filing cut-off date of December 1, 2022. Foreign nationals with a priority date before December 1, 2022 are eligible to file adjustment of status applications.
  • China: The cut-off date for filing held steady at July 8, 2019.
  • India:  The cut-off date for filing held steady at May 1, 2012.

EB-3, Third Preference Category (Skilled Workers)

  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) remains current in December.
  • China’s cut-off date for filing advanced to September 1, 2018
  • India’s cut-off date for filing advanced to August 1, 2012.

Individuals with a priority date that is either “current” or before the published cut-off date may file an adjustment of status application based on the dates outlined above.


While an individual may file an adjustment of status application in December using the dates for filing summarized above, an individual’s green card application may not be approved until the priority date is available under the final action dates, also posted on the Visa Bulletin.   The final action dates may differ significantly from the dates for filing, depending on the preference category and country of birth.   The December 2022 Final Action Dates are as follows:

EB-1, First Preference Category

  • EB-1 remains current for all countries for now.

EB-2, Second Preference Category

  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) has a final action cut-off date of November 1, 2022.
  • China: The final action cut-off date remains the same at June 8, 2019.
  • India:  The final action cut-off date retrogressed to October 8, 2011.

EB-3 Third Preference Category (Skilled Workers)

  • Worldwide (including El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Mexico, and Philippines) remains current in December.
  • China’s final action cut-off date advanced to August 1, 2018.
  • India’s final action cut-off date advanced to June 15, 2012.


As reviewed in our Fiscal Year 2023 visa availability analysis, we are starting to see the impact of fewer immigrant visas being available in fiscal year 2023. Further retrogression for Indian nationals in the EB-2 category, establishment of cut-off dates for worldwide in the EB-2 category, and retrogression forecasts for India and China in the EB-1 category, are the unfortunate result.

The ability to file adjustment of status applications for employees will be more challenging this year than last. Employers should work with immigration counsel to identify foreign nationals who are eligible to file adjustment of status applications in December. Additionally, it will be particularly important to file adjustment of status applications for Chinese and Indian nationals qualifying in the first-preference category given projected retrogression for the months to come.

For additional information, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email info@gibney.com.

H-1B Cap Alternatives: Visa Options for the Healthcare Industry and Biotechnology Companies

The H-1B visa is among the most popular working visas in the U.S. for individuals filling professional (degree-requiring) positions.  Most H-1B visas are subject to an annual quota or “cap.”  These are often referred to as H-1B cap visas.  Because demand exceeds the number of available visas, USCIS conducts a lottery to select which applicants can have their visa application processed.  As has been the case for numerous years running, this year’s H-1B cap has been filled, and new H-1B cap visas won’t be available until the start of the next fiscal year, October 1, 2023.  Employers who do not have the option of employing international talent in L-1 visa status (reserved for multinational companies) or in E-1/ E-2 visa status (reserved for certain foreign-owned companies seeking to employ international talent having the same country of citizenship as the company’s ownership), are left wondering – are we really out of options until October 1, 2023?

The good news is, employers in the healthcare industry and biotechnology industry have several alternatives to H-1B Cap visas.  Here are key visa sponsorship options to consider.

E-3 visa and H-1B1 visa
Available only to citizens of Australian (E-3 visa), Chile (H-1B1 visa), and Singapore (H-1B1 visa) by treaty, these visas have very similar education requirements to the H-1B visa and are reserved for professional positions. As many job candidates in the healthcare and biotechnology industries have a least a Bachelor’s level education, and many jobs in these industries require the same, the E-3 visa and H-1B1 visa are generally good alternatives for Australian, Chilean, and Singaporean nationals working in these industries.   Examples of eligible positions include physicians, IT professionals whose position requires a bachelor’s degree, engineers, pharmacologists, scientific researchers, postdoctoral fellows, registered nurses requiring a bachelor’s degree, therapists, and clinical lab scientists, among others.  While the E-3 and H-1B1 visa categories are also subject to an annual quota, the quota has never been reached.

TN visa
Available only to citizens of Canada or Mexico pursuant to the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA), these visas are available for a specific list of occupations, many of which include occupations in the healthcare and biotechnology industries. Most but not all of the designated occupations require a bachelor’s degree. Examples of eligible positions include registered nurses, computer scientists, mathematicians/Statisticians, Research Assistants, Scientific Technicians, Medical Lab Technologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Pharmacists, Pharmacologists, Teaching or Research Physicians, Psychologists, Biologists, Chemists, Biochemists, Epidemiologists, Geneticists, Dentists, Computer Systems Analysts, Engineers, and Teachers (college and university level), among others. The TN visa is not subject to an annual quota.

F-1 visa, STEM extension
The F-1 visa is a student visa. After students graduate from college or university, they are generally eligible for a 1-year work card to gain practical training in their field of study. Often, employers apply for an H-1B visa for F-1 students, but if the F-1 visa holder is not selected under the H-1B cap lottery before their 1-year work card expires, there may be more options for students with a U.S. degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM).

Specifically, these students may be eligible for a 2-year extension of their work card (for a total of 3 years of work authorization).  This allows employers in the healthcare industry and biotechnology industry to enter the employee in the H-1B cap lottery for three consecutive H-1B cap lottery seasons, thereby increasing their chance for selection.

Employers who wish to sponsor a STEM extension for an F-1 student must enroll in the online E-Verify employment verification system.  Examples of STEM eligible positions include IT professionals (such as computer programmers, computer scientists, network and system administrators, computer engineers, etc.), environmental scientists, engineers, pharmacologists, scientific researchers (such as biologists, biochemists, chemists, etc.), postdoctoral fellows, pathologists, and clinical lab scientists, among others.  The STEM extension is not subject to an annual quota.

O-1 visa
This visa type is available to those who have reached a level of sustained acclaim and distinction in their field. Factors for O-1 consideration include original and significant contributions to their field; publication of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals; media attention or work being highly cited; high salary or other compensation; manuscript review or other review of peers; national or international professional awards; memberships in selective professional organizations; and leading/critical roles for a distinguished organization.  This visa category is generally available to accomplished scientists (principal scientists and associate scientists, research scientists or research associates, postdoctoral fellows, biologists, biochemists, chemists, epidemiologists, etc.) as well as physician-scientists (including residents and fellows), though other professions can also qualify.  The O-1 visa is not subject to an annual quota.

J-1 visa
This visa type has several sub-categories and is available for temporary/term employment to those individuals who are early in their careers and who require training or practical experience (such as interns or postdoctoral fellows), or to those more established in their careers visiting for a finite period (such as professors, visiting scholars, or visiting fellows).  In addition, certain J-1 students enrolled in a U.S. college or university are also eligible for work authorization (academic training) for up to 18 months after graduation, with STEM degree holders eligible for a total of up to 36 months of academic training.  Examples of J-1 student STEM positions include IT professionals (such as computer programmers, computer scientists, network and system administrators, computer engineers, etc.), environmental scientists, engineers, pharmacologists, scientific researchers (such as biologists, biochemists, chemists, etc.), and postdoctoral fellows, among others.  Notably, physicians in medical training (such as medical residents and fellows) may also be sponsored under the J-1 visa category.  Depending on the specific type of J-1 visa, the educational requirements differ (J-1 intern/trainee visas often require a foreign degree or enrollment in a foreign college/university) and the period of allowable maximum stay differs as well (ranging from 12 months to seven years).  The J-1 visa is not subject to an annual quota.

Cap-exempt H-1B visa
Not all H-1B visas are subject to an annual quota – these are called cap-exempt H-1Bs. In general, an employer is exempt from the quota if they are an institution of higher education, a related or affiliated nonprofit entity, or a nonprofit or governmental research organization.  Organizations such as non-profit teaching hospitals (affiliated with a college or university) can thus sponsor professionals without the visa being subject to the H-1B cap.  Importantly, for-profit institutions that will physically employ a professional at a cap-exempt institution (such as a non-profit teaching hospital) can sponsor the professional without the visa being subject to the H-1B cap.  This can benefit private practice physicians, who often physically perform their work at non-profit teaching hospitals.  Physicians serving in a health professional shortage area (HPSA) may also be eligible for a cap-exempt H-1B visa.  In addition, if a cap-subject employer wishes to concurrently hire a professional who is working pursuant to a cap-exempt H-1B visa, it may do so without the visa being subject to the cap, as long as the professional also maintains the cap-exempt employment in H-1B status. (A common scenario is when a visa candidate has a part-time job in H-1B status with a cap-exempt employer and another part-time or full-time job in H-1B status with a cap-subject employer).  Examples of eligible positions include physicians, IT professionals whose position requires a bachelor’s degree, engineers, pharmacologists, scientific researchers (such as biologists, biochemists, chemists, etc.), postdoctoral fellows, registered nurses whose position requires a bachelor’s degree (very limited), physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and clinical lab scientists, among others.  While cap-exempt H-1B visas are not subject to an annual quota, they are subject to the general H-1B maximum work period of six years (some exceptions apply).

Schedule A immigrant petition
While this is not a temporary work visa, and is instead a green card-based petition, it can provide an option for employers seeking to hire nurses who are not eligible for the TN visa (because they are not Canadian or Mexican citizens), and whose position is not eligible for H-1B sponsorship due to the position not requiring a bachelor’s degree. Due to a national shortage of nurses, the government allows for an expedited green card process (Schedule A process) that allows the employer to bypass the typical labor market test required for many green card-based petitions.  Schedule A petitions do not provide an immediate hire date as temporary visas often allow, but these applications can facilitate hiring within a one-to-two-year period for nurses waiting outside the U.S. for employment. Physical therapists are also eligible for a green card process through Schedule A but may have an immediate hire option of an H-1B if the employer qualifies for a cap-exemption listed above.

U.S. immigration benefits available under our current statutory scheme often fall short of meeting the needs of U.S. employers.  Fortunately treaties granting special visa options for citizens of Canada, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, and Chile, along with a domestic policy focused on retaining STEM professionals, has created a wide variety of visa options for professionals in the healthcare and biotechnology industries.  Given these alternatives to the H-1B cap visa, employers in these industries are better-positioned to hire, or continue to employ, international talent.


Planning Ahead For Holiday Travel: Immigration Checklist

The holiday season is here and travel is reaching pre-pandemic levels.  International travelers should expect busy consulates and U.S. Ports of Entry.   Although U.S. Consulates have committed additional resources to address backlogs, foreign nationals may still encounter long wait times when applying for a visa.  We encourage all travelers to plan ahead to minimize delays when traveling abroad and entering the U.S.

Our holiday travel checklist is designed to help foreign national employees and employers schedule appointments and gather required documentation in advance.


Generally, vaccination requirements have replaced COVID-19 testing and travel bans. Noncitizens seeking to enter the U.S. in a temporary status (nonimmigrants) who travel by airline are required to show proof of  full vaccination against COVID-19 before boarding a flight to the  U.S. from a foreign country. Check the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website for detailed information and exceptions.


  • Confirm the validity of passports for all travelers. Valid passports are required for all international travelers and accompanying family members, including U.S. and Canadian citizens. Renew passports in advance to ensure at least six months’ validity at the time of any visa application or entry to the U.S. Many countries allow renewal of passports by mail through their consulates or embassies in the U.S.
  • Carry all documents required for admission to the U.S. Upon entry to the U.S., some entrants may need to show additional evidence of work authorization or government approval in addition to a passport and valid visa stamp. Documents vary by visa classification but may include an original I-797, Approval Notice; endorsed Form I-129S; Advance Parole Document; Employment Authorization Document (EAD); Form DS-2019 with travel authorization; and/or endorsed Form I-20.
  • Verify the U.S. admission classification/expiration date. Upon entry to the U.S., foreign nationals should expect a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer to create an electronic I-94 record. At many Ports of Entry, CBP has stopped issuing a passport stamp. If a stamp is issued, ensure that the classification is correct and immediately alert CBP to any errors.
  • Review your I-94 record.After each entry to the U.S., foreign nationals should access and review the electronic I-94 record available on the CBP website. This is more important than ever, as CBP moves away from stamping passports at entry.   Expiration dates for the I-94, underlying petition, or work permit may be different from the expiration date on the visa in the passport or on the passport stamp, if issued. Send Immigration Counsel a copy of your I-94.


  • Consult with Immigration Counsel in advance. Immigration counsel can help to prepare for enhanced vetting and for the consular interview before you apply for a visa. Schedule consultations 60-90 days in advance whenever possible. Keep in mind that appointment wait times at U.S. consulates can range from a few days to a few months.
  • Check the Consulate’s website prior to travel. If you require visa issuance at a consulate abroad, review information on specific procedures regarding booking visa appointments and documentation required for visa interviews. Consular procedures vary widely and are subject to change with little notice.
  • Complete Form DS-160.This form is required for all visa applicants including dependent spouses and children of principal visa holders. Retain a copy of the final form at the time of submission. Many consulates require that the visa application be completed prior to scheduling a visa appointment.
  • Review your visa application/petition. Review the petition prepared by Immigration Counsel on your behalf prior to traveling, to ensure the accuracy of the information reported and consistency with visa applications.
  • Review your online profiles. This includes information in online employee profiles and company pages as well as social media profiles. Government officials at USCIS, consulates, and U.S. Ports of Entry review online profiles of visitors and foreign workers applying for benefits or seeking entry to the U.S.
  • Update company information. Employers should update company pages and sites such as Dunn & Bradstreet that may be referenced by immigration officers to verify employment or business information.
  • Gather employment verification. If you are applying for a temporary work visa, most consulates require current employment verification letters from employers. Request these letters in advance of travel to allow adequate time for Human Resources to prepare them. Maintain copies of recent paystubs as evidence of current employment.
  • Disclose any arrests/detainment to Immigration Counsel. Consult with Immigration Counsel if you have been arrested or detained by law enforcement, even if not charged/convicted. Consult with counsel before departing the U.S. or applying for a visa or any other immigration benefit. Citations, arrests or detentions may require disclosure on applications and may impact immigration status and/or eligibility for immigration benefits.
  • Check consulate wait times. Review the consulate website for visa appointments and processing times and alert Immigration Counsel immediately if visa issuance is delayed due to security or background clearance issues.
  • Confirm consulate holiday hours. Consulates abroad observe both U.S. and local country holidays and some offices may be short-staffed due to vacations.

*TIP for visa appointments:  If the consulate has long wait times, book an appointment at the earliest date possible and check the website regularly for newly released appointment times that are more desirable.


  • Visa Waiver Program travelers must have a valid ESTA approval.The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is a mandatory, online pre-screening system for Visa Waiver Program (VWP) travelers. ESTA is only available for travelers who are citizens of recognized VWP countries who wish to enter the U.S. for B-1 business/B-2 tourism purposes. VWP travelers must obtain a valid ESTA approval prior to travel, which may be valid for up to two years. Note that a new ESTA approval is needed when a VWP traveler obtains a new passport and/or changes his/her name or country of citizenship, and when answers to any of the VWP eligibility questions (e.g., regarding an arrest or visa denial) change.
  • Adjustment of Status applicants and Advance Parole travel documents. With the exception of some H and L visa holders, individuals with pending I-485, Adjustment of Status applications must have a valid original Advance Parole travel document issued prior to departing the U.S. Departing the U.S. without an Advance Parole may result in denial of the I-485 application. Note that the Advance Parole document must be valid when you depart the U.S. and valid when you return.


For specific travel-related questions, please contact your Gibney representative or email info@gibney.com.


Diversity Visa Lottery for FY 2024 Now Open


The Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2024 Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (“DV Program” or “DV-2024 Program”) provides up to 55,000 immigrant visas (aka permanent residence or green cards) for issuance in FY 2024 to persons from countries with low immigration rates to the U.S. Foreign nationals are selected for eligibility to apply for U.S. Lawful Permanent Resident (“LPR”) status under this program on the basis of a lottery. The DV Program is administered by the U.S. Department of State, and there is no cost to register.


The online registration period for the DV-2024 Program is from 12:00PM EDT (GMT -4) on October 5, 2022 to 12:00PM EST (GMT -5) on November 8, 2022. The entry form will only be available for submission during this time.


  • An individual must have been born in an eligible country and must meet minimum education/work requirements.
  • For DV-2024, natives of the following countries/areas are not eligible to apply: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China (including Hong Kong SAR), Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea (South Korea), United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland) and its dependent territories, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
  • Natives of Macau SAR and Taiwan are eligible.
  • Eligible nationality is generally determined by the location of a person’s birth. However, if a foreign national is ineligible to apply based on his/her country of birth, there are two alternate ways to qualify. First, a foreign national whose spouse was born in a eligible country may apply provided that both the individual and spouse are named on the selected entry, are found eligible, and enter the U.S. simultaneously. Second, a foreign national who was born in a country whose natives are ineligible, may be eligible to apply if neither parent was born in or legally resided in that country at the time of the foreign national’s birth.
  • A foreign national must also have either a high school education or its equivalent or at least two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years training or experience.


  • Submit the Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form online at state.gov during the entry period indicated above. Entries will NOT be accepted through the U.S. Postal Service.
  • In years past, the last week of the registration period saw heavy demand on the application website, causing website delays. Therefore, submitting an application as early as possible during the entry period is encouraged.
  • An applicant may only submit ONE lottery entry; individuals who attempt to submit more than one entry will be disqualified.
  • The application must be accompanied by digital photographs of the applicant as well as their spouse and/or dependent children, taken in accordance with requirements. Note: Each individual may submit his/her own application if he/she otherwise qualifies.
  • The applicant must also enter valid international travel passport information unless they meet the requirements for an exemption. An exemption may apply if an applicant is stateless, a national of a Communist-controlled country and unable to obtain a passport from the government of the Communist-controlled country, or the beneficiary of an individual waiver approved by the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State.


  • DV Program winners are selected via an electronic lottery. After entering, it is critical that the applicant safeguard the confirmation page as it contains the information needed to check the application status.
  • All DV-2024 entrants must go to the Entrant Status Check website using the unique confirmation number from the online registration to find out whether their entry has been selected in the DV Program
  • Entrant Status Check will be available at state.gov starting at noon (EDT) on May 6, 2023 through at least September 30, 2023. Lottery winners will not receive correspondence in the mail.
  • Selection in the DV Program does not automatically confer U.S. LPR status – only the opportunity to apply for it.


Applications for permanent resident status can be completed by filing an adjustment of status application if lawfully present in the U.S. or by filing an application for an immigrant visa at a U.S. Consulate abroad. If an applicant is selected in the DV-2024 Program, the actual application for permanent resident status must be filed and approved by September 30, 2024; if an application is not approved by that date, the application is invalidated.

Note: more individuals are selected in the DV Program than there are immigrant visas/green cards made available. As a result, some individuals who are selected in the DV Program may ultimately be unable to become U.S. LPRs if the available immigrant visas are allocated prior to approval of the individual’s permanent resident application.


Instructions regarding how to apply for the DV-2024 Program may be obtained from the official U.S. Department of State website at dvprogram.state.gov and at DV-2024 Program Instructions.

For more information or specific legal advice, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email info@gibney.com.

H-1B Cap Petitions Effective October 1, 2022

Petitions filed as Change of Status

Fiscal year 2023 H-1B cap petitions filed as “change of status” and approved by USCIS automatically took effect on October 1, 2022 if the beneficiary:

  • was physically present in the U.S. for the entire period from the date the petition was received through the date the application was approved; and,
  • was physically present in the U.S. on October 1, 2022 for the change of status to take effect.

With the exception of Canadian citizens, beneficiaries of approved H-1B cap petitions who depart the U.S. will need a valid H-1B visa to return to the U.S. in H-1B status. Many consulates have a wait period of several months to schedule a visa appointment. Actual visa processing times vary by consulate and can be found at the U.S. Department of State website. All intending visa applicants are advised to check the website of the consulate where they intend to apply for information on scheduling the interview and the visa application process.

Petitions filed for Consular Notification

Approved H-1B cap-subject petitions filed as “consular notification” will not automatically change the beneficiary’s status to H-1B without further action. To activate H-1B status for an approved consular notification petition, the beneficiary must depart the U.S. if not already abroad, obtain an H-1B visa at a U.S. consulate, and re-enter the U.S. utilizing the H-1B visa. H-1B status will take effect upon the date of re-entry into the U.S. Canadian citizens do not require a visa, but do need to activate a “consular notification” petition through a Port of Entry into the U.S.

Next Steps for Employers

  • Form I-9 Reverification: Employers may need to update the employment eligibility under Section 3 of Form I-9for H-1B cap beneficiaries whose I-9 documents are expiring.
  • Taxes for F-1 and J-1 Non-Immigrants: F-1 students and J-1 exchange visitors who are maintaining valid status may be exempt from FICA tax withholding. However, once F-1 or J-1 foreign nationals change to H-1B status, they are no longer exempt and withholdings will need to be adjusted.
  • Pending H-1B Petitions: For H-1B cap petitions still pending, employers need to be aware of foreign nationals who have work authorization ending prior to H-1B approval, and must specifically monitor the employment of F-1 “cap gap” students, as these individuals may need to come off payroll and/or take additional steps to maintain their valid immigration status as of October 1, 2022.

For additional information, please contact your designated Gibney representative or email info@gibney.com.